Upcoming Events
Past Events
Tuesday, February 23, 2021: NYC Council Land Use Committee 10am zoom hearing on Comprehensive City Planning
Sunday, May 26: Annual Livable West Side Festival. Come visit us at the table we share with Coalition For A Livable West Side. West side of Broadway from 72-86th St.
Saturday and Sunday, May 18th-19th: WEPS has joined co-sponsors for the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s “Sacred Sites Open House Weekend”. The 2019 theme is: “From Medieval to Modern: Celebrating New York’s Religious Art and Architecture.” Please click on Sacred Sites link for locations and times.
Saturday, May 18th at noon, WEPS is happy to be among the list of co-sponsors for this annual “Love Your Street Tree Day” event. Help make your neighborhood look its best.
May 3-5, 2019: It’s Jane’s Walk 2019! Join the Municipal Arts Society of New York for a weekend filled with wonderful walks throughout the City.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019: NYC Council’s Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises public hearing on the Residential Mechanical Voids.
March 13, 2019: NYC Planning Commission scheduled to hold pubic hearing on the Residential Mechanical Voids Text Amendment application. Long day, agenda up. Day starts at 10am . Location: 120 Broadway (Concourse level), New York, NY, 10271
December 12, 2018: WEPS Annual Holiday Party
December 11, 2018: Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously voted to approve the revised Proposed Rules, which will go into effect on January 22, 2019.
October 16, 2018: LPC holds second public hearing to solicit comments on the revisions made to the proposed rules changes.
September 26, 2018: Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the appointment of Sarah Carroll as the Chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
June 1, 2018: Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan steps down from her position on the LPC.
May 23, 2018: LPC launches interactive web map for permit applications. This will allow the public to see geographically where LPC permits for work have been filed and issued.
May 1, 2018: Thanks to all the commercial traffic photos we received, we were able to substantiate that buses & trucks use West End Avenue as a thoroughfare. The West Side Spirit published its article “Exposing street scofflaws on the UWS”, using our photos.
March 27, 2018: Landmarks Preservation Commission Public Hearing on Rules Amendments. 9:30am at LPC, One Centre St (9th Fl) Manhattan
The deadline for submitting written comments has been extended to May 8, 2018. Click here for LPC website for details.
Same day the Board of Standards and Appeals holds hearing on the zoning challenge filed to revoke the permit for 200 Amsterdam Ave,
September 26, 2017: WEPS Tenth Anniversary Celebration
December 6, 2016: Wind Up 2016 Celebration
October 11, 2016: LPC public hearing on proposed expansion of American Museum of Natural History
Sept 27, 2016: CCM Helen Rosenthal’s Open House, from 5:30-7:30pm at the District Office. (563 Columbus Ave at 87th St).
September 20, 2016: CB7 Committees’ Public Hearing On Proposed AMNH Expansion. 6:30pm at the Goddard Riverside Community Center
June 8, 2016: New York City Council rescheduled Stated Meeting. The Council votes 40-10-1 to pass Int 0775-
2015-A. Changes NYC Landmarks Law.
June 7, 2016: NYC Council Committee On Land Use vote to pass Int 775-A
May 29, 2016: Livable West Side Festival
May 1, 2016: Three Parks Independent Democrats Annual Benefit
WEPS to receive Jesse Crawford Community Service Award
April 28, 2016: The New York Landmarks Conservancy Lucy G. Moses Awards
WEPS to receive award for 2015 Preservation Organization
Feb 9 &10, 2016: NYC Council Public Hearings on MIH & ZQA
Dec 2, 2015: “Designation Culmination” celebrating the completion of out third historic district extension
Sept 30, 2015: NYC City Council Stated Meeting. They vote to affirm Riverside-West End Historic District
Ext II by a count of 44-0-0
Sept 21, 2015: NYC Council Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses Public Hearing on
the Riverside-West End HD Ext II
Sept 9, 2015: NYC Council Committee For Land Use Public Hearing for Intro 775
June 23, 2015: LPC votes to designate Riverside-West End HD Ext II with severe modifications from originally calendared
May 24, 2015: Livable West Side Festival
June 5, 2012: WEPS receives Grassroots Preservation Award from The Historic Districts Council. Ceremony held at the South Street Seaport Museum.
May 2012: The Museum of The City Of New York opens a new exhibit, Activist New York. This exhibit explores the drama of social activism in New York City from the 17th century to the present. WEPS is honored to have a place in the interactive section of the exhibit, as contemporary social activists.
October 1, 2009: THE WESTY AWARDS (West Side Spirit Thanks You) honors Richard Emery and Erika Petersen for their work with WEPS.