Protect what you love and where you live.
Giving keeps our organization vital and allows us to flourish. WEPS relies on the contributions of members to sustain us through our daily activities, assist in special projects and to retain outside experts and legal representation, when necessary.
Your tax-deductible contributions* can be mailed or given online.
Checks (payable to West End Preservation Society) should be sent to:
West End Preservation Society
514 West End Avenue, Suite 15B
New York, NY 10024
Contribute online through:
Your financial support enables WEPS to remain a resource for our community.
• We spearheaded the campaign to designate West End Avenue from W 70th – W 107th St. As a result of our dedicated work, we now have three more historic district extensions in our area. This increased the number of protected buildings under our stewardship to more than one thousand.
• WEPS listens to the requests and concerns of our members and finds solutions.
• We keep you informed on the latest actions in our area.
• We help members navigate the Landmarks process.
• We share our knowledge of NYC preservation and grassroots organizing with associations and community groups.
• We work with our Elected Officials on behalf of members’ concerns.
• We testify before the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission, the NYC Council and other Agencies.
This only happens with your support. Please give as generously as you are able.
*West End Preservation Society is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a non-profit organization eligible to receive tax-deductible donations as and to the extent allowed under applicable law.