After more than a month, a roster of Elected Officials, dozens of statements in support of the appeals from advocacy groups, block associations and neighbors, the BSA denied the appeals against the DOB that questioned issuing the permits for this building on Sept 17th.
If you watch the BSA Review Session you could see that some Commissioners were disturbed by allowing this building to proceed. But they said it was not their job to fix the zoning text, just apply what is there.
Landmark West! was afforded the opportunity, however, to explore their appeal regarding misappropriated mechanical space. At last count, the building divided the initial 161′ mechanical void into three voids, two 64′ and one 48′ space. This will not get back to the BSA until Dec 17th.
This needs to be corrected at the City Planning Commission, although it is doubtful that will occur. ASM Linda Rosenthal & NYS Senator Robert Jackson have introduced a bill that will change the multiple dwelling law on the State level. Our friends at Save Central Park NYC have initiated a petition to help bring awareness to this bill. Click to sign petition.
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