West End Preservation Society (WEPS) is an award winning non-profit organization.
Our mission is to preserve and protect the architecture, character and quality of life for Manhattan’s West End Avenue.
We believe West End’s “sense of place” should endure for generations to come, especially in the face of development. We worked to become a resource, vision and voice for our community. To that end, we proposed to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) in 2009 that they extend the existing historic districts of West End Avenue to include its length from 70th-107th Streets.
Step onto West End and there is no mistaking this wide, tree-lined, intentionally commercial free avenue for any other. Its buildings are historically and architecturally significant transcending mere bricks and mortar. It forms an oasis in the heart of Manhattan that has been one of the most desirable places to live since its inception. Here, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
In 2015, we saw the fruition of our goals as the last historic district extension was designated.
West End Avenue from W 70th-W 107th St lies entirely within historic districts. But that does not prevent change. WEPS continues our mission of protecting and preserving all buildings within our historic districts’ boundaries and continually works to improve quality of life issues for our residents.
March 24th, 6pm Candidates Forum for NYC Mayor
WEPS is proud to be a cosponsor for this event, hosted by NYC preservation organizations. Focusing on preservation and development, the event will be held online and is open to all. This election is one for the books. We are at a tipping point in our city and our...
Revised: West Park application withdrawn for Tuesday
Change in agenda for January 9, 2023: Application withdrawn click for agenda
Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy year to come. From all of us at WEPS.
WEPS is always looking for volunteers for our team. We are currently looking for people to work on our Special Projects Team and our Development Team. If interested please contact:
WEPS membership is open to all. Without the support of our members, we could not continue our work nor keep our organization alive.
WEPS members have transformed New York City history by working to create new historic districts. WEPS members are your neighbors and friends, people interested in preserving and protecting West End Avenue and its surrounds. We are involved in what happens in our neighborhoods. We have a voice in change.
If you love West End Avenue, you should be a WEPS member.
If you are interested in the history, architecture and the future of our communities on the Upper West Side, you should be a WEPS member. If you reside in the West End Avenue historic districts, you definitely should be a WEPS member.
There is no minimum financial requirement to join WEPS, just sign on to our mailing list. We do ask for your tax-deductible contributions. Giving keeps our organization vital and allows us to flourish. WEPS relies on our membership to sustain us through our daily activities, assist in our special projects and to retain outside experts and legal representation, when necessary.
Join us, today! Let’s add you to our membership.